Who knew a big yellow box could be filled with so much impact? Well, we definitely felt a favorable amount of confidence but the reaction, level of response and now the award recognition have exceeded any expectations we ever envisioned!
The goal was a simple one. To very genuinely and openly express to local developers who Smith | Schnider was as a company, the values we stood for and what made us different from similar organizations. In all realty, everyone is inundated with email, postcards and phone calls of all industries touting these very things. The challenge was how to break through that clutter and have our message resonate.
Enter the creative collaboration of NDG Communications and Smith | Schnider, and the end result was a very customized, multi-tiered outreach campaign that delivered a personalized iPad packaged in a bright Smith | Schnider-yellow gift box with an introduction video of President Ron Smith very genuinely expressing his goals in partnering with developers and builders through Smith | Schnider. The follow-up, a bottle of champagne to be opened to celebrate the completion of a builder or developer’s first project with Smith | Schnider. The campaign generated an incredible level of excitement and many meetings developed from there. We are beyond grateful for the creative efforts of the NDG and Smith | Schnider teams, and we’re so pleased our message could be heard in genuine clarity.
Both the yellow box and champagne campaigns recently received silver awards through NAHB’s National and Marketing Council at The Nationals in the categories of Best Direct Mail Program and Best Marketing Promotion by Supplier or Industry Partner. The campaigns were up against over 1,100 other entries. On January 10th, these same campaigns are in the running for gold awards at NAHB’s Nationals Gala. We’ll be there and hope you will be too!
About the Nationals
For 37 years, The Nationals Awards has recognized superior sales and marketing achievements by individual professionals, home builders and associates, and sales and marketing councils. The Nationals is North America’s largest competition for sales and marketing professionals and communities.